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Showing posts from March, 2013

Lady Marmalade

Getting the sand out of shoes.. Oh wait! My new shoes!! After few hours of debating how to promote the new glam pumps from [Cliche], Bif and I (more me) invaded Xnedera's land.. I should apologize in advance. She has an amazing place though. Because the shoes are decorated with a 'sex' sign I figured a sexy lingerie set would be more appropriate than something too formal. I let that to be Bif's role. Still, I should warn you guys.. sign, no sign.. the shoes do not guarantee you'll be getting 'some'. But they are absolutely fabulous in terms of textures and friendly user's HUD. There is only one flaw, sadly. The shoe base will make the feet go into ground, so before you buy them, try demo and see if you can match with other shoe base in your inventory.. like I did. Too bad, they really need to fix that and maybe would be better to make them rigged. I'm pleading and praying for those upgrades.  Pssst no sex for Miraje! I mean.. come on!! What...


♫...I'm strong baby I bring the fire on Sharp shooter, you can call me the Zion I'm not the one easy to get to But all that changed, baby when I met you♪ Watch >>> here AD - tantrum - light blondes - here [*RD*]*St. Pats Group Gift* - Antlers (Teal) [*RD*]*Wild Dress-White & Teal* [*RD*]*Nailed-Black Matte Manicure* - here Merry Part! Miraje ♦


In its purest form an act of retribution provides symmetry. The rendering of payment for crimes against the innocent. But the danger of retaliation lies in furthering the cycle of violence. Still, it's a risk that must be met...  When a greater offence is to allow the guilty to go unpunished. [y] Scream & Shout Jacket - Gold - here Body networks d'or - Chi Seid - here PP - Black - Spiked Military Shoulders* - here RA AK-104 v.1.2 - here Merry Part! Miraje ♦

Blackest Kind Of Blasphemy

If you're not yet part of the CHANDELLE group, take a visit to their store and you'll receive a nice gift. 'Alex' shorts and shirts in three color options, great for mix-and-match. I went all black as it's more adapted to my current mood. But, I may try the others soon too.  - CHANDELLE - Group Gift [FREE] 2013#2 - Shorts and shirt Alex - here Merry Part! Miraje ♦

Random MeMe

Finally a small piece of happiness for me. After camping for like three days in front of a lucky letters board, my letter magically appeared. I really wanted the Anica dress from ::c.A.:: It so suits my bohemian figure. I was temped for like 100 times to just buy it, but I wanted to be something earned with sweat and hard work, so to speak. Anyways, I have it now, which makes me very content.  With this post I'm also continuing a new set of questions proposed by Strawberry Singh. In a total random order. Enjoy! What is the rez date for your current SL Avatar that you use most often?   Miraje04 Miami - December 5, 2008 Where was the first place you made friends as a newb and got to know people in Second Life?   Virtual Bucharest. My RL hometown city. I remember my first friend, Leddy Zeplin, trying to help me, although he was just 2 days older than me in SL. Where do you spend most of your SL time now?  At my place/Tiffany's Club Who is your...

Such A Barbie

I remember when I had my first Barbie doll, which was generic called "My first Barbie" (Prettiest Princess Ever), duhh... It was the summer of 1990 something and I was having a blast with my friends from where my grandparents lived. Sure enough, when mom and dad told me the doll came.. from America (wow) I nearly begged them to take me home. I had to see it! When I got home, there it was in a little pink box, with long curly hair down her shoulders and an angelic princess look. Maybe, I was in tears when I've opened the box and took her out. I still remember how it smelled. Was kind of sweet and fresh, which is totally weird considering it's made of plastic. Still.. it is a priceless memory. However, Barbie didn't have the life of a promised princess in my hands. Soon enough, I've cut her hair short, painted pink and hooked her up with Action Man.. What? I was into big guys even from back then.. so sue me! LOL -{AH}-# 12 ALICE PROJECT - here...

Memes Part #1

I have decided to do the "Memes" Strawberry Singh proposed for us SL bloggers. It's an interesting idea to share facts about our second life that are not known by readers and maybe they are curious to find out. So, here it is my Seven SL Facts Meme, hope you enjoy it: My SL Fact #1: After 3 pm SLT if you want to find me, I'm more than likely at Tiffany's chatting with Naughty. And totally random, we're usually 3 people inside the club for some reason. My SL Fact #2: I am obsessed with details. If someone wears a pair of shoes or jeans with cuffs or some sort, if they are not fit correctly it annoys me at maximum. I will end up looking the other way. My SL Fact #3: I do not appreciate someone sending me mass-teleports. I have a crazy tendency to delete the person. So, don't do it! My SL Fact #4: I have my own land in Second Life. Small, cute and quiet. It's also my working place for the blog. My SL Fact #5: I am a hard w...

Playful Mimi

[14:29]  miraje04 Miami: how did u think i was looking today? [14:29]  miraje04 Miami: swag or pig lol [14:30]  ΔSΔP (mevikoo): swag [14:30]  miraje04 Miami: is funny cause.. i have no money to spend.. Uhh birdies!! I so need to show you this playsuit from MIMI NOIRE:: I don't know how to say this without repeating myself, but this is absolutely one of the cutest items I've ever got from a hunt. It's so perfect, comfy, sweet and well, perfect. Not sure how much swag it brings to this appearance, but I liked it from the moment I saw it. Now if there was someone who could loosen up my buttons and untie my string... Shady Cap SWAG (mesh) - here MIMI NOIRE::Playsuit [pink/polka dots] - here [Cynful] Shruggable Set [Tdrf] - Shrug Suede Black - here Merry Part! Miraje ♦

Magik Rubik

Hiya birdies! Just a quick post with some free goodies to get. Oh! And... I couldn't help but notice the intense traffic I've got on the blog in the past days, and I thank you all for being so supportive, which motivates me and makes me keep on going!  Loves y'all ♥!!! { A&C} Sweet- Alma Shirt & Vest Free March - here ~You are beautiful~ Warm fishnet tights - Color "light gray" -  here [GIFT] Rubik's - Cube Necklace - here PARADISIS march2013 - gift  - here Merry Part! Miraje ♦

Pink Me Outta Here

If you didn't get the chance to go at the SL Fashion Week event, you'd better hurry because there are some great items you might like. For now, I've only got the group gifts which are absolutely adorable and a must. There are two types of ribbon rings from .olive. and pink spiked booties from [whatever].  ~Skin~ :[ Al Vulo! ] - [ Alyss ] - [ Wonderland blonde fair] - here ~Hair~ Magika [01] Give ~Hat~ [Avoid] *Mesh* Brim Hat - Cross  ~Top~ Eaters Coma - Slashed Tank / Black ~Pants~ Pink Fusion #39 Useful Things - Denim Shorts - here ~Accessory~ SL Fashion Week Group Gift - .olive. Bow Rings ~Shoes~ [whatever] Group Gift - SL Fashion Week - CG Spikes (Pink) - here ~Accessory~ [GIFT] NECKLACE-MP3-RYCA- here   ~Poses~  ::AW:: Bikini Poses  free gift MP - here Merry Part! Miraje ♦

Dope Chick

♫And I mean no disrespect by this next line..♪ Watch >>> here Dear birdies! Check out the new Mena Club dresses from .::Killa DesignZ::. They come in colors such as: Emerald, Nectarine, Pink, Red and of course Black and White. It's a very sexy, curvy and flirty design, great for going out clubbing or to parties with friends.  For more details go to: Market Place >>> here Flickr           >>> here Facebook     >>> here   [Avoid] *Mesh* Brim Hat - Cross - here Magika [01] Give - here .::Killa DesignZ::.  Mena Club Dress Black&White - here - Nemezi - Cross Nails Black&White - here ..::N::.. W.G.A.S. Leopard Black Make-up - here [whatever] WHATEVER ring  [Group Gift] - here Merry Part! Miraje ♦

Pre-Release (Easter)

Killa DesignZ have some exclusive new Easter items that can be can acquired at PRE-RELEASE - Easter Session 7. A very playful, yummy, sexy bunny outfit and a colorful EGGxite Easter dress, which comes with color HUD for three special and unique patterns. Visit  .::Killa DesignZ::. for more details or click link for teleport to event location >>> here *photos and model by Miraje Miami visit .::K i lla Des i gnZ::. blog >> here Merry Part! Miraje ♦

Standing In Line

♫I can see it in your eyes You still despise the same old lines You heard the night before And though it's just a line to you For me it's true And never seemed so right before♪ Watch >>> here  ::HH:: Hucci Group Gift March 15 2013 - Gift - here :[TaraShoes]: Empire Charlotte Pumps Green - here (*Shop nr. 166 see plan >>  here ) - N - Smokey Black - here -Nemezi- Cross Nails Gift (Mesh) - here Merry Part! Miraje ♦

Empty Handed

Continuing the saga of the love triangle I've told you about, I wanted to share the end of the story which didn't take as long as I've expected to happen. Seems like the two girls who nearly started fighting over that guy, came up with a plan to dump the dude. They both felt played and lead on false promises and they've decide to do a prank to him. The girl who had a relation with the guy took him out to dinner. As they went to a certain restaurant, the other girl was in the kitchen poisoning his food. LOL It may sound tragic, but wasn't poison to kill him, but to teach him a lesson. As he ate, he started feeling bad and went to restroom. Sneaky girls took his wallet and both run fast out of the local, leaving him poisoned, broke and empty handed. The next day, at the TV show, them three were set again on the couch and they've revealed what plan they had with him. Obviously, he felt awkward this time. Not to mention the girls also brought the gifts they had fro...


For a few days I have been watching a TV show that seems to be debating a love triangle. Two girls over a boy... ain't that a classic? Anyways, one of the girls have had an actual relationship with the dude and clearly she cares about him a lot. The other girl, well I couldn't figure what's her deal in this story. Why would someone chase a person that's already involved? Makes it really awkward if you ask me. As I was watching them three sitting on a couch (sure he was caught in the middle) I couldn't help but notice the reactions of the girl who loves him. She was uncomfortable being there, probably felt frustrated and maybe humiliated, as he was leading them both to believe they have a chance with him. I don't know why is when we are so in-love we get  blinded and we are willing to put ourselves to most weird positions, when we should just get up and leave. I empathize with that girl's pain, going through all this circus, been there myself at one point. E...

Nothing Sweet About Me

As chaotic as my life is lately.. I've managed to put together some cute simple ensembles for you my birdies. I've decided to name them too. Just because I'm koo koo. Regardless, I have to say that most of the stuff is free, so get ready to jump get it! 1. Leo Lucy 2. Mademoiselle Zebra 3. Sweet Stephy 1. Stuff In Stock gift - *C - HairBand Studs #01 black *C - Mesh Skirt Lucy @Stuff In Stock *COCO*_WideWaistBelt_Black - here Stuff In Stock  gift - Pink Acid Sunrise Eye Makeup - Lavender Stuff In Stock  gift - [..!!Novacane!!..] - CL Leopard Daff 2 [Cynful] Shruggable Set [Tdrf] - Tubetop Suede Black - here [J'adore] High Waist Skirt - Pink Zebra - Gift - here SIS gift - Pink Acid Sunrise Eye Makeup - Pink SIS gift - [ef] - BeDazzled Peacock Earrings  - Crazy Tones +Half-Deer+ Music Notes Tattoo  [AUX] Tiny Tote - Frozen (past TDRF) :: Masha :: Gina - Purple Flower - here 3 Alice Project - Steph II - Infinity...

Romantic Bunny

Did I ever tell you guys I was born in the wrong century? I can't help it I'm an eternal romantic person. Yeah it's cheesy, yeah it's corn, bla bla, whatever... I don't care. I hate the fact that people have started to became immune at tenderness and lovely words, that they avoid affectionate gestures.. it's all bullshit. Being too cool for school is not always cool, you know. We should let our feeling flow from time to time and show some love.. Hey what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Anyways, the theme for Collabor88 this month is New Romance (how convenient for me). For this post I didn't 'overdo it' as one of my friends kept pestering me to keep it nice and simple... et  voilà ! O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? TRUTH HAIR Haven -  light blondes - here Mon Amour - Sweetheart Bra and Panty Set - here (NO) Shabby Chic Sweetheart - Seafoam  @Collabor88 ::HH:: Hucci MtVernon Sneaker Gold - Emerald  @Collabo...

Okay.. I... I Got This...

I've never given much thought of how I will 'die' (in second life). But 'dying' instead of someone you love... seems like a good way to go... All the events gathered in these past weeks, made me think whether or not should I give up my second life. I could probably make a list with pluses or minuses, but I am not in the mood to do so. At this point, there is only one person that genuinely cares about me and has been there for me when the others turned their backs, including the one I love the most. They say that an unconditional proof of love is when you wish the other all the happiness in the world, even if that means being apart. "No, it's no sacrifice... it's two hearts living into separate worlds", to quote sir Elton John. But, I won't deny it hurts like hell and therefore you'll see me drowning in alcohol, dance on tables and pass the fuck out. So bottoms-up my birdies!... Until my final decision.    Location: Old E...

There You Go...

It's all about the 's', isn't it?  Don't stress too much to get around this line if you missed the party. 'S' might stand for many things. Lately, I have learned that in order to move forward sometimes we have to go backwards. I have. Therefore, everybody can see a different display name for me. 'Begura' means sparrow. I won't go into details, but what I can say is that I am trying to make amends with my past and soon I'm going to set my begura free, let it fly towards the sky, never to return. It's been a long ride and if it weren't for the pain, I could almost fool myself it's festive. But as it is in life... for new chapters we need new material and a blank page.. So shell be! *Epic* Mod Blindfold - here (fd) Long Loose T (Dots Black + Cream) - here MoiMoi Adde Outfit MoiMoi Lavafly Lingerie Set FREE - here [M] March Group Gift //Black denim Jacket  - here !Blah. (My Petit Amour Lingerie / WCF...

Little Sparrow

I so wish I could turn back the time. If only we had that option maybe just once in a life time and would be enough for me... But, it's not possible no matter how many watches I will wear. Anyways, there is a new round at TDRF and I want to get lots of items, but so far I'm stuck with :[Al Vulo!], [Cynful], JD and [glow]. Lucky I have some cute company, my little sparrow birdies. They are a sight for sore eyes..  :[ Al Vulo! ] - [ Ramona ] - [ Magic night Sunkissed TDR ] [Cynful] Shruggable Set [Tdrf] - Shrug Suede Black  [Cynful] Shruggable Set [Tdrf] - Tubetop Suede Black JD - Spike Leo TDR Edition [ glow ] studio - Retro double clock bracelet (gold) [ glow ] studio - Retro double clock necklace (gold) The Dressing Room Fusion *Grizzly Creek Free E Tree Sparrow (Basic) FREE - here Merry Part! Miraje♦