#467 Oi, birdies! So, *Argrace* launched two new hairstyles today and I ran fast to get the one I liked (Well, not so, so fast, but still). I must say it's getting crowded in there, which makes me think those are gonna be a real hit around the grid. Hurry to get yours! ~Tattoo~ Letis Tattoo :: Dangling :: A13007 : ~Hair~ * ARGRACE * TSUBASA - Blondes ~Jacket~ Ricielli - NYH/item #5 - Jeans Leather Coat ~Dress~ [ Cynful ] T-Dress - Green Lace ~Shoes~ .:: FLG ::. Boots Green Romance"s :: ~Accessories~ FLG - Fairy Bag Valentine"s Merry Part! MiRaGe ♥