Hey birdies! I am so excited about my new vlog equipment. I think it looks so cool and so well made. Over the time it pretty much has become a norm to see people wearing their cameras everywhere. It is the best way to share your experiences and showcase new places and new adventures with the viewers. Great stuff! ////Eyes&Skin\\\\ [TEAM BABY] Put Me On Drugs EYES GIFT 002 {AIMI} Freckles GIFT 1.1 ////Outfit\\\\ roslyn . emily dress. fatpack [seeker] Alora Banana Gift [sandals] ////Accessories\\\\ MeHoney - Malva bow for the face - GIFT MOVEMENT - My new vlog equipment - WHITE ////Tattoo\\\\ PSYCHO - Tattoo RED PASSION - BoM/Omega See you soon! Miraje 🤍