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Bits Of Legendary Transylvania

Breaking News: Right when I was writing  this post, prince Harry of Wales was in Transylvania taking a tour and visiting  the surroundings. Also spotted by paparazzi on motorcycle climbing bumpy snowy roads. One local said: "He did not look or dress like a prince, you could just say he's a normal guy on his bike."

 A very often question I am asked by people I meet is: where are you from? I don't exactly enjoy this question, because clearly is a virtual world and most likely I will never get to meet in real life with someone I know in second life. But, I do love my country very much and this gives me an opportunity to present a few bits of a place I'm so fond of in both of these lives. You might remember the location from my previous post, but I promised to return and give an almost full view of the legendary: Transylvania. 
You may associated it with our daddy vampire of all vampires, the place where count Dracula was born and from where many legends, suppositions and superstitions have raised among time. It has been always inspirational for writers and film makers and that is surely for all the right reasons. 
What is really defining for Transylvania is its natural surroundings, the mighty Carpathian mountains and the rustic constructions. It is a locked in time place that it is kept original as much possible by the locals. And the sim of Transylvania seems to have combined its most basic qualities.
*The picture below reveals a rustic house with courtyard where the chickens are eating some seeds or whatever.. LOL.

 I remember one of the first places I would end up when going to Transylvania would be the so called: Crama (in SL I made no exception). It is a basement arranged restaurant, where their mainly drink served is wine. It is also basement in big villas or houses where locals keep the barrels of wine during winter and well during all times really. Wine is a very refined drink and it's also very traditional coming in such amazing variety you wouldn't know which one to choose as all of them are heavenly tasty and warming all the right body spots. 
*Funny fact about this photo is that I was not alone at the table. You can't see Bif, but he was there playing more as my bodyguard as the place at the time was full of werewolves fighting, jumping and scratching trees or so...

 Sneak a peak inside the great villa and right at it's balcony you can see my avatar trying to blend into the setting. This would be a traditional building that wealthy people would live in or nowadays it can serve as a hosting place for travelers or tourists. All enriched with old musky-scented wood and surrounded by nature, you'll surely get a good sleep and be woke up in the morning by birds singing and fresh air coming through the window.

 Not that I'm a very religious person, but here most of us early after birth we are taken to church and baptized in the name of God and Jesus. Our orthodox religion seems to be very strict when it comes to follow rules like that, but really it's a matter of choice of each own what to do in their life after being baptized. It's previously done by parents regardless our consciousness or awareness and also free will. As child I went so often to church and even after growing-up, but I kinda stopped when I saw everything turning more into an industry of making money out of poor people, than a real holly place to come and peacefully pray and praise God.
But, in these remote areas as some are in Transylvania, people are really religious and gifted with the power of taking Lord's word among generations after generations. Most are still people with pure hearts and good in their every fiber not tainted by metropolitan issues.
*Little spots of prayer like this one in the picture can be found all over Romania. Many of them are accompanied with fresh springs of water and they are considered to be holly places touch by the hand of God. You can stop by one and say a pray, light a candle or bring a flower. Or, you can just take a picture with it as I did.

 What an awkward encounter! It's obviously not me in the picture of the vendor, yet there are many similarities about us, like the hair... the shoes... (I am not wearing them at that very moment but you may have seen me many times with them on). This is the owner of the sim and she gives away this cute, beautiful traditional costume for only 1L$. I really love it and I feel good every time I put it on and get compliments. I haven't met her yet, but I would love to catch up sometime about the amazing job she did with this place.
*Also in the back of the picture you may see the small market with all fresh veggies, meat and fish. Those are very popular at the mountain side and the food is all natural, plus very very tasty!

 Last but not least the contact with mother nature and earth at its very own basics. I love ground and I love grass. It's always a pleasure to take a moment and sit to feel the energy coming from underneath. As I say "this is how I charge my batteries". Sadly living in a big city there are not many options to do as I did in this picture. That is why when I go to the mountains or in a park I like to just take off my shoes and step on the smooth grass. I only wish we take more time to observe little things like this one or like watching the sky as many of us forgot long ago to do it, being too busy sliding and gliding their phones on Facebook or Twitter.

I hope you did enjoy this pictorial about Transylvania and I encourage everyone to go there and have a look. For many, in real life this is like miles away and oceans apart. But, in second life it's all about a click to teleport.

Have fun!
Merry Meet!


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