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Curious For La Criée

It is often said when you get lost into the waves of life and don't quite remember how you used to be, to go back to what you used to do and things that you've liked. Yes, I have to admit I kinda find it I'm a bit lost, so, not knowing exactly where to start looking for my old self, I went back to one of my long-lost passions: Art. Yet, Art Galleries to be more exact.
Back in the days I was quite a fan, running around SL looking for paintings, sculptures and anything that will enchant my eyes with colors and maybe without making any sense for the usual things in life, the common things.

I was quite lucky to find this location, as it's not often when places involving creativity, other than clothing, jewelry and furniture, to be featured on destination guide webpage.  I said to myself "I have to see this asap". And there I was opening the doors at: La Criée Art Gallery.

I have to admit only few of the creators have caught my full attention, but not because the others weren't as good, but because as I like to say "it was something else". One of them here is Patrick Moya. His paintings brought-up to me the feeling of youth, laugh and play. The combination of colors reminds me of a rainbow under the sky. What is world without its cheerful colors, right? 

I've found out soon that I cannot afford any of his wonderful art-works, but for those interested there are on display two of his creations that can be bought. One of them is the Dolly DJ gif L$500 (seen in the picture above this one) and the other is called La Dolly Rouge for the price of L$1000. I would recommend it for those who want something valuable to decorate their virtual home walls. Isn't it so adorable?!

The other artist I want to present here is called Zeno Ochs (FredX). His art-works are based on the Steampunk movement and are pretty revealing in that sense. I was completely fascinated by each and every picture on the wall not being able to decide which I love more. They are a bit expensive for my pocket as well, but I would so buy one of them because they are well worth the prices. 

Those seen in the picture above are called: (left side) It's for you and (right side) Tesla's Lobsters. Each are priced L$400. The ones in the photo below are designed, my guess, for big open spaces as they are large sized and are sold at the price of L$600. 

Saved the best for last, this image called Transformed stole my heart completely. Not that the main symbol for it is the butterfly, which for me represents the ultimate form of beauty in nature, but  also because it really inspires the feeling of flight and liberty all of us dream to achieve. It's that impossible that all desire to become possible, if not in the future at least in a virtual world... a world of dreams and escape.

Save yourself a few minutes to visit this gallery and I promise you will enjoy each second spend there as everything exposed offers a great show of lights, colors and beauty of an undefined fresh air of freedom.

Merry Part!


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