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Wrapped-up Little Duck

♫We were two little people wrapped up in this big ol' world
Drifting 'round in space out of place, just a boy and girl
Then you took my hand and made me a part of you
And I looked in your heart and saw all my dreams come true
We did the impossible♪

Watch >>> here

So.. this is my last week as single gal in SL. Saturday I'm getting married yayy! But stay tuned for posts as I'll try to fit them in between finding the dress and sending out invites and enjoy my bachelorette party on Friday. The outfit for today is something comfy and casual just perfect to wonder around in-world. The hair piece ribbon makes me feel like a little duck ready to be offered as gift. Hehehe

Pautina headband *coquettish ribbon*gift - here
Magika [03] Wait - here
Tee*fy Ana Slouchy Satin Tank Pure - here
Paperbag.These Old Jeans Light - here
[ glow ] studio Bird Necklace Duck - here
Maxi Gossamer - Boho Bangles - Gold and Lapis Lazuli - here
Wanda's Signature clutch * classy colorchange wallet - here
MooShooZ! Flats - Gold & White Satin - here

*The duck necklace is really gold even in this pictures shows as silver.. 
probably my graphic card playing games and I don't have time to re-do them

Merry Part!
Miri ♦


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