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Five Years Of Second Life

This article is entirely dedicated to my friends and my blog readers (and few more) for my five years Rez-Day in Second Life.

When I first started ‘playing’ Second Life I didn't realize it will have such an impact on my life. I thought about it as of a way to pass the time, wondering around, mostly not doing anything in particular. After, one year, when I got my first job in-world, it became much more serious. Probably too serious, since at some point my family members where starting having doubts about my mental health. But, against all odds, I've managed to demonstrate them that I am capable of keeping both lives on track (as much possible a human being can).
During these past five years, I've had an enormous number of experiences: good, bad, creepy, happy, scary, ecstatic, painful, wonderful and so forth. It feels like it’s been a life time and now I've got real old! Well, I hope that won’t be the case and stay forever young.
After all that’s said and done, after trying nearly everything there is to try, I've started blogging. On 23rd of February 2012 I've wrote my first article, to be more exact. So, wow! Almost two years! We have to celebrate that too, if I don’t forget by then.
I've started it from scratch, I had like… zero money (not that I have more today, for that matter) and I hardly had actual sponsors, just a few. It is mostly my jobs and my friends providing the finances needed. If I would've had more help, it could probably have raised the blog status much higher.
However, I don’t want to sound cheesy or like having a self-absorbed ‘diva’ moment, but I am really grateful to my readers as well. They saved me in so many ways. I cannot brag saying I have like thousands of readers everyday or anything, but for me, if one person is interested in my work, then it will push me to keep working. And that is all I need. It’s been over 390 articles I've done so far and I know there are people keep on waiting for me to present new things, new ensembles. To my great pleasure, I see people still interested and reading old articles. Some of them tell me: “you had great attire on that article!” And I’m like… I don’t even remember about it! Those are funny moments for sure. But, in all this craziness, I just have to find the necessary creativity, patience and passion to deliver my work as much often as possible.
I must say I am fortunate to actually know in-world some of my readers. They are my friends and that’s really a blessing. They are also my critics and they tell me whether they liked something or not.  That is the thing that keeps me grounded.
I wanted to write this as a celebration of my fifth Second Life anniversary and also as a big “thank you” to everybody that’s been keeping my blog going.
On a nearly awkward note though, I would also like to thank my haters and my enemies (Yes! I do have those, no matter how shocking that sounds). Some of them were very close people to me, people I cared about, people I've loved with all my heart. I will never forget the good times and I have learned my lesson concerning the bad times. I’m thanking them because they were part of this experience and part of me, growing-up.
My real life blog motto was: “Anything happens for a reason”. 
And, well, I sure hope I was right.

I love you all!

Festive time everybody! Cheers!

(I been having fun skating with mister Santa Polar Bear, then I've grabbed my cake, my sl boyfriend and enjoyed the sweetness of this day in its early stages! Plus some kissing in the end. After all, love is a great present, ain't it?)

WTSL Gift [::Axix::] (headband with wings) - here
*Group Gift* ::DirtyMind:: Laced In Black (Bodysuit) - here
*May's Soul* Jungle scarf black panther RARE - here
***azalea*** sweater sweetness  - here
Iffyta Samis Solids Booty Mesh Jean Shorts - here
{Happy Pencil} Suspender tights - here
::V Style:: SKha V.3 - White Ice Skates (S) - here

P.S. If you would like to join my Rez Day party, please come at Naughty’s Joint Club, later today at 1 PM SLT. TAXI 

See you there!! Many kisses!
Merry Meet!


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